Tuesday, November 9, 2010

mis casa es su casa {the selby is in your place}

the beautiful hotel built by Nicolas Malleville in Tulum part of the Yucatan Peninsula
fountains are my passion, the lovely sound of water trickling (although I loathe cleaning out the leaves) this one from Thibault and Sofia's home
personal residence of Nicolas and Francesca en el hotel

come stay awhile ~vintage LV owned by his other hot half, Francesca Bonato
the hot couple Nicolas and Francesca
his bedroom slippers are nicer than mine jacques grange
perfect for serving tea or making breakfast below with Jennifer Vaughn Miller 
   I'll never complain again that my kitchen is too small

the perfumery in valladolid,  the hot couple built
I love a man who has more scents than me Oliver Zahm cologne stash
a beautiful chandelier and vintage cartier from Lou Daillon's residence
Christian Louboutin said it right, "Some shoes are for the bedroom not for the workroom."
do you think Helen Christensen has Louboutins  in her room?

Karl Lagerfield uses these make up applicator's for his sketches
and a lot of light 
and a lot of reading
and a lot of research by Lori Karnath

I could go on and on with this gift of a glance at this new book. 

Breakfast needs to be served (Helen Christensen's kitchen below)
 and the doggies need to be walked 
so I'm headed outdoors isn't  Meryl Smith's East Village backyard divine?
and off to work. This space is dear to my heart, belonging to Andre′ Walker's mother, a retired hairdresser
hope to catch up with all my favorite reading later
probably not looking as glam as Sofia and Thibault 
Cheers love!

images: theselby

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